How to Transfer Google Workspace to Office 365 – Query Resolved

Multiple users are switching their mail accounts from Google Workspace to Office 365 cloud environment because of several commercial & personal issues or reasons. But the main concern, they get when moving from Google Workspace to O365 is the conversion of mailboxes. Moreover, functioning of the mail apps are same but they keep different folder structure & extensions. In this condition, they need a technique that would assist them to move from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365.
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Microsoft Outlook 365 & Google Workspace are the most generally used & popular apps for data management. Both apps are cloud-based & comes with several business productivity solutions. Entire associated services have made the communication as well as collaboration simpler for multiple companies & individual users. They are specially known for their powerful & reliable features. Still, there are multiple reasons which force users for transferring email from Google Workspace to Office 365. Therefore, lets know them briefly –
Why Users Transfer Google Workspace to Office 365
There are several benefits of handling Microsoft Office 365 account. Some are given below –
- Helps users to work at any location as long as they have internet connection.
- O365 subscription plans enable users to simply remove & add users by the removing & adding license.
- Advanced collaboration functions assist business for connecting with users all over the world by different collaborative solutions that O365 offers.
- Strong safety measures of Microsoft 365 assist users in storing the confidential data protected & safe.
- Applications such as Sway, Outlook Groups, SharePoint, Skype for Business, etc. have made the communication efficient for its users.
- Heightened flexibility offers users freedom to generate customized solutions for providing business requirements.
How to Migrate Google Workspace to Office 365
To migrate email from Google Workspace to Office 365, there is no direct data migration solution available. At this time, there is an effective & safe third-party solution available that provides accurate result in a few times. The Google Workspace to Office 365 migration tool is the smart email backup software that can smartly transfer emails from Gmail to Microsoft 365 cloud account. The tool supports simple conversion steps & created with simple Graphical User Interface that can be used by both non-technical & technical users which can easily adopt the migration process effortlessly. Download the software to perform the process –

The Google Workspace to O365 tool has several advanced functions & options; use them according to their need that aids you to save output data effectively. Moreover, with the free trial of the app, you can check & take a test of software performance without any charge.
Working Steps to Transfer Google Workspace to Office 365
- After downloading & installing the software, launch it on your desktop screen of the computer.

- Choose Gmail as your source Webmail app from the left side of the software that has multiple webmail apps lists.

- Now fill your Gmail account credentials and click on Login button.

- Now choose Office 365 as your saving option to save Google Workspace emails to O365.

- After that, fill the Office 365 cloud account login credentials. You can also apply filters according to you need. Click on Backup button.

- Processing will start with progress bar & complete with message.

When the migration will complete, the software provides “Conversion successfully completed” message on the screen as it confirms the completion of the conversion for users. Click on the OK. Then check result on your Microsoft Outlook 365 cloud account.
Why Prefer Google Workspace to Office 365 Tool
Everyone thinks that why choose this Google Workspace to O365 tool for transferring emails from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 cloud account. Let’s know some advantages of the software which explains that why go with it –
Direct Conversion facility – The Google Workspace to Office 365 software is a well-developed approach that provides direct service of moving Google Workspace data to Outlook 365 cloud account. By using only, the login credentials of both webmail apps, the software transfers all Google Workspace emails to Microsoft 365 account at once.
Selective Data Migration with Advance Filters
The software has multiple filters that helps users to migrate necessitate Google Workspace mails to Microsoft Office 365 account. With a particular phrase in the area of to, subject & from or date range; anyone simply moves selected Google Workspace mails to Office 365 cloud account.
Copy Google Workspace to Office 365 account data with Attachments
The software cares all attached data during the migration process. It has in-bult facility that can automatically transfer from Google Workspace emails with attachments. Moreover, the moved attached items data will save safe & exact as they were previously.
Retains Google Workspace User Profile Structure
The Google Workspace to O365 program retains the mailbox hierarchy of Google Workspace profile account. The tool enables to migrate single & multiple mails data at once. Entire mail attributes will be saved accurately such as hyperlinks, images, formatting, metadata, etc.
Automatically Generate Log Report of Executed Process
After completion the Google Workspace to O365, the tool appears a message on the screen ‘Process Successfully Completed’ with Ok button. As you click on the OK button there will open a notepad window that display executed process details – date, time, status, saving path, etc. All data is saved in TXT format.
FAQs related to Google Workspace to Office 365 Migration
Q. Has the software any file size or quantity limitation for this migration?
Ans. The Google Workspace to O365 tool has no file size or mail quantity limitation for the Google Workspace to Office 365 migration. So enjoy the unlimited data migration process without any error.
Q. I am using Windows 10 OS, will the software support it for the migration?
Ans. Yes, basically the Google Workspace to Office 365 migration tool is compatible with all Windows OS so it will also run-on Windows 10 and it is also compatible with latest Windows 11.
Q. Do I move my email from Google Workspace to Office 365 with all data details?
Ans. Yes, the software will maintain all mail properties during the migration such as – metadata, formatting, hyperlinks, images, unread status, etc. So, you can move your emails from Google Workspace to Office 365 account with all details.
Q. Can it move Google Workspace email data to O365 other user profile?
Ans. Yes, it can save Google Workspace email data to Microsoft 365 other user profile account without missing any detail.
Wrapping Words
The Google Workspace to Office 365 tool is recommended solution for quick & bulk Google Workspace user profiles conversion to O365 cloud account. Basically, it is the direct method for getting unlimited emails from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 cloud account in single time processing. It retains all data integrity without any alteration. Download the program that allows exporting 25 Google Workspace to Microsoft Office 365 cloud account at free of cost. Therefore, try the solution so solve how to move from Google Workspace to Office 365 or how to migrate Google Workspace to Office 365 cloud account.